Dolly Parton, who is known as the “Queen of Country,” has some sad news for her fans. At 76 years old, she has decided to stop going on live tours. “I don’t think I’ll ever go on tour again,” she said straight out. She won’t be going on long tours, but she does plan to give special performances from time to time, like at festivals or over the course of a long weekend.
Dolly’s choice is based on her desire to spend more time at home, especially with her husband, and her awareness of how hard touring is on her as she gets older. She doesn’t want to be away for long periods of time because her family might need her.
Dolly is no longer going on long tours, but she is still working on music, movies, and a rock album that was inspired by her nomination for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. She may not be on stage as much, but her creativity still shines through in other ways.